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«Средства коммуникации», 8 класс

План-конспект открытого урока

Тема: «Средства коммуникации», 8 класс

(2 тур конкурс «Проба пера 2010»)

учитель английского языка

ГОУ СОШ № 632

Лагуткина Е.Н.

Создает человека природа,

но развивает и образовывает его общество.


Тема урока: Средства коммуникации ( Means of Communication)

Цели урока: 1. Формирование лексических навыков по теме;

2. Развитие умения поискового чтения с извлечением информации

3. Развитие речевых умений ( с использованием опоры)

4.Способствовать развитию аналитического и критического мышления

Оборудование и учебные пособия: презентация Power point, раздаточный материал –текст для чтения с заданиями. Карточки с лексическим заданием.

Ход урока:

1) Начальный этап:

  1. Организационный момент, сообщение цели урока

Good afternoon. My name is Elena Nikolaevna and I am really glad to see you here today.

Today we will speak about means of communication in modern world. But how did people communicate many years ago?

Вводная беседа учителя о целях урока. ( слайд 1)

Long time ago when there were no people there was communication between animals. After that when people appeared on the Earth they began to imitate the sounds of animals. The also used signals, symbols and gestures. Only afterwards language appeared. Many years’ later people learned to write and to save their knowledge. Nowadays the process of communication is much easier.

  1. Основной этап:

  1. Введение лексики по теме, ее отработка

  1. Which means of communication can you name right now? Please read the following words and guess their meanings:

Phone, computer, telegraph, letters, postcards

  1. Can you guess them by the sound? ( Слайд 2)

Учащиеся угадывают по звуку, какой из средств коммуникации представлен на экране.

С) Now that we know how to read these words can you use them in the sentences? Look at the cards on your desks and complete the following sentences. ( работа по карточкам)

2. Работа с текстом. Развитие умения поискового чтения.

As you know communication plays a very important role in our life. But how do people come to so developed means of communication? Lets read a text and answer the following questions: ( слайд 3) After the text there is an exercise. Please continue the sentences with the phrases from the text. You will have 7 minutes. ( Ученики читают про себя текст, выполняют упражнения, отвечают на вопросы.)

3. Развитие речевых умений

Now please, look at the screen. Please, divide the following means of communication into 2 groups ancient and modern means of communication. Which do you prefer most?

( Учащиеся делятся на 2 группы и составляют план ответа)

Now I would like you to find the advantages and disadvantages of modern means of communication and explain your choice. (Далее следует работа по карточкам в группах)

  1. Заключительный этап. Подведение итога занятия.

Today we have spoken about modern means of communication. The way they developed and their role in our modern life. Hope the lesson was interesting and useful. Thank you for your work.

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